Human Design Energy Types: The Projector

Projectors are the Guides, directing our energies toward a more elevated and spiritually awakened humanity. They have a deep, penetrating aura that just “knows” what the other *needs* to hear — only the other may not be ready to hear it.
Therein lies the rub for Projectors and the reason for the Strategy of “waiting to be recognized or invited.”
Try giving advice to someone on a downward spiral who thinks they know what’s best for them, yet their self-destructive decisions keep taking them further and further away from their true essence, their connection to Source energy.
You can’t.
In fact, when you try, you’re attacked and pilloried.
It’s very painful for Projectors to see the pain that others are in and to see the way through to the other side and not be able to use this power until there’s a safe opening.
Projectors tend to have a lot of openness in their design, and when that openness is combined with the social pressure to act like a Generator or Manifesting Generator in a society that wears overwork and overwhelm like badges of honor, they can sometime feel invisible, which makes them grow a little bitter or resentful in the process — that is until they really connect to their gifts and give themselves the grace of leaning into whatever brings them pleasure and feelings of success while the correct invitations are finding their way to them.
If you have a Projector friend, family member, or mate, you’re really lucky. These are the best listeners, they have the greatest insights (when they’re coming from an unconditioned place of knowing and serving as opposed to trying to impress you or show how smart or enlightened they are).
The best thing you can do for the Projectors in your life is to really *see* them. That’s deeply impactful, healing, and empowering for them.