We created these FAQs to support your genuine inquiry and to give you comfort with our approach to supporting you in learning, living, and loving your unique Human Design.
We believe in quality over quantity — giving you the information specific to you to help you unlock your gifts, insights, and inner truth. It is not helpful to you to have a fire hose of information if it isn't well-organized or explained simply and clearly in a way that allows you to internalize it, integrate it, and act on it — this is a moment when you need precision, not overwhelm.
Our reports are designed to make your unique Human Design relatable, practical, and actionable — that's the only way to really experience the benefits and accelerate your growth and transformation.
As IABC award-winning storytellers at our flagship brand, humanifesto studios, we specialize in high-stakes, hard-to-tell stories involving vast amounts of information, nested frameworks, and complicated jargon — which is exactly how we experience the traditional approach to Human Design. This is why we're dedicating our lives to making Human Design simple, smart, and FUN.
The most common reaction to meeting your Human Design chart is shock and awe regarding its precision and accuracy in capturing your essence.
Your Human Design is derived from two data points: the first is your birth date, time, and place, and the second is that same data about three months prior when you were still in the womb.
These two data points are used to calculate a variety of planetary energies based on their distance to you geographically. (This helps explain the feeling of familiarity if you've previously had an astrological natal chart pulled.)
While this is where Human Design gets its "woo", the latest work in quantum physics and the discovery of neutrinos help explain what the mind can't yet grasp — that we are energy beings, and we are each imprinted with a unique energetic blueprint when we come into this world.
It is the combination of these two readings and the synthesis of ancient tradition and modern science — the Chinese I Ching, the Kabbalic Tree of Life, the Hindu Chakras, Quantum physics, the human genome — in your bodygraph chart that make it so potent and practical as a tool to help guide you in creating your best life.
Human Design was channeled to Ra Uru Hu, née Alan (Robert) Krakower, while he was living in Ibiza, Spain in 1987.
"The Voice" spoke to him for eight days and nights delivering the entire Human Design system — a vast, layered, intricate system that brought together ancient energetic traditions with modern science (quantum mechanics and genetics) to quantify human individuality and provide a powerful mechanism that could simplify the expression of that uniqueness.
We love all of these personality assessment tools as a way of triangulating the "true you".
While these tools are helpful in sorting out our similarities, differences and approach for working across the chasm, so to speak, the results of these self-assessments are unreliable. The reason is that they all rely on the mind to answer a series of questions in order to produce your "type" results, and the mind is under the spell of the ego-self instead of the true self.
Human Design is unique in that it does not rely on the mind for its source data — it relies on your birth data. The ego and the mind are unable to "corrupt" it.
If you feel fulfilled in your relationships, your vocation, and your life purpose, then Human Design may not be right for you at this time.
Human Design is at peak value for those who feel unfulfilled in some part of their life, incomplete in terms of their mission or purpose in life, or just feeling like they're a shadow of who they know they truly are but have forsaken to please everyone else.
Human Design is about taking back your power — intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual — to live in deep alignment with your energetic blueprint from birth.
Your Human Design doesn't care if you like it — its operating 24/7 whether you like it or not. It's your energetic blueprint, the signal you emit to the world around you. You always have a choice to own it and work with it or not.
We've met lots of people in our experience who didn't like aspects of their design in the beginning, until they realized they had been conditioned away from the person they were meant to be.
This happens a lot with Projectors who thought they were (or wanted to be) Generators or Manifesting Generators. When they realize how much better it feels to live their life through their true Projector nature, they feel an enormous sense of relief and empowerment.
There will be things you don't like about your design — that's the ego mind that will fight you every step of the way — but there will also be many things that will be deeply validating.
Our guidance is to take everything in, hold it loosely, try living through your Type, Strategy, and Authority, just observe your life through this new lens for 30 days and see what happens. Pay attention to how it feels and to the way others respond to you as you lift your energetic frequency by living in alignment with your design.
Your energetic frequency is like gravity — it's always on. Our perspective is that you might as well understand what your frequency is emitting. Then you can choose whether you want to strengthen that signal or maintain the status quo.
Deconditioning is the process of letting go of all the past programs you've inherited from family, friends, and society to be a certain way in order to fit in, instead of simply honoring your individuality in all your many dimensions.
Your Human Design blueprint is a map unique to you that sets you up for a life of flow when you honor the mechanics of your Type, Strategy, and Authority. Many of these programs are invisible to us. We assumed certain traditions and ways of being as necessities of life in order to survive. But at some point in our lives (usually mid-life), these assumed behaviors and values start to feel confining if they're not in alignment with your blueprint.
Human Design gives you your blueprint and the tools to start leaning into who you are while letting go of who you're not. The timing and pace of transformation are up to you.
For more information on deconditioning, read this article from Psychology Today.
Your Human Design chart (or energetic blueprint, as we call it) gets its precision and power from two points in time: when you were born and about three months prior. While an astrological chart pulls data from the day you were born, Human Design takes a second reading.
It is the two readings together that determine your definition and the mechanics of Energy Type, Strategy, and Authority that are the real game-changers by making Human Design actionable and practical as a tool for mastering your self-awareness and decision-making.
The ability to rely on your energetic blueprint as a tool for your relationships, career, and life purpose depends on the accuracy of your energetic blueprint.
If you do not have your birth time, we recommend you use a bodygraph chart tool like Maia Mechanics, and start with a birth time of 12:00 PM. Under the "Birth Data" tab, look for the "Birth Time Reliability Score."
Depending on the reliability, you may also want to take readings at 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Sometimes there are very few changes in a 24-hour period, or maybe something minor changes, like a single Gate. But if your Profile, Definition, Energy Type, Authority, or Incarnation Cross changes, you may want to hire an expert to do a "Birth Time Reconciliation." (Assuming you do not have a birth certificate, or your birth certificate does not print the time of birth.)
We do not see, capture, or store your birth data. The embedded tool we use on our website to produce our free charts and paid reports is managed by BodygraphChart.com in the UK. BodygraphChart captures, encrypts, and stores the data for a maximum of 90 days.
We sometimes see comments like this on message boards, and it's always by the uninformed "shit-poster".
As Human Design becomes more mainstream and more and more people experience the benefits of living their unique design (after the initial shock of experiencing the accuracy of their chart), this reactionary label is recognized for what it represents: fear. Fear of having to be accountable to yourself (and others). Fear of change. Fear of the unknown.
Cults rely on two main pillars to succeed: a single leader who is beyond repute and must be obeyed, and a belief system that must not be questioned. Human Design is neither.
Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, famously referred to himself as the system's first student. He also cautioned others about "believing" anything he said. He advised everyone to try out the mechanics of the Human Design system in their own life using their own Human Design, see what happens, and decide for themselves whether or not it worked for them.
Human Design is like your blood type or gravity — it just is. There is nothing to believe. In fact, Ra (the founder and first student of the system) famously said that you should not believe anything he says, but rather try it for yourself.
Your Human Design is the energetic blueprint that's uniquely yours for the whole of your life. You're designed to do things and realize your aspirations in ways that are natural and easeful for you.
When you meet your design for the first time, parts of it will feel very familiar and other parts will feel conflicted or tense, revealing where your higher intelligence knows you're operating out of alignment.
Your first reading becomes something like a diagnostic, pointing you to the work of deconditioning (letting go of inherited expectations or beliefs about who you needed to be to survive or "thrive") so that you can elevate your energetic frequency to call in higher level relationships and opportunities.
It's never too early or too late to explore your Human Design, and there are three moments in particular where it can really support you in navigating your decisions and life.
You've reached a traditional life milestone and it's not giving you the satisfaction or fulfillment it promised.
Traditions are society's way of organizing and managing our individuality to be more predictable. We're taught that getting married or having children or becoming a doctor or getting an MBA or making that first million will make us whole and happy. While these milestones might genuinely work for some people, they don't work for everyone, which can be emotionally and intellectually jarring. Understanding how you're uniquely built will help you transform the situation to support you in meeting your needs instead of contorting yourself to meet the requirements of the situation.
Experiencing a setback that diminishes your self worth, challenges your identity, and destroys your self confidence.
The only constant is change, and sometimes those changes are out of our control and lead to emotional, material, and intellectual devastation. Divorce, job loss, illness, the death of a loved one — these are moments that shake us to our core and often cause us to question what we're doing with our life — are we really living it, or are we just biding time? These are great moments for a "reset" using your Human Design to anchor your new foundation.
Midlife transition or "retirement."
You've made the money, you've earned the accolades, you've made a name for yourself, and while you don't have to work anymore, you have way too much energy and life in you to go sit on a beach somewhere — there's something in you that's calling but you don't know what it is. Your Human Design blueprint and a deeper investigation into your Incarnation Cross and conscious Sun Gate will help you bring all that you are and all that you've done into a legacy outlook and strategy that is the greatest soul expression of what you are uniquely designed to do for the evolution and elevation of humanity.
The best part of Human Design — it's genius, really — is that, for all its layers and nuance, you really need to know just three things to experience the benefits of your unique blueprint: your Type, your Strategy, and your Authority.
These are the embodied "mechanics" of your design that you can feel, and when you honor them in your day to day living, they naturally ease you into a life that's aligned with all of your gifts.
Of course you can go deeper, but beware the mind's desire to distract you with more and more information to learn your design instead of just letting you live it. It's the daily practice of living it that brings transformation to your life, not the knowledge — and you live it through the mechanics of Type, Strategy, and Authority.
This is how you send out the cleanest, clearest energetic frequency or radio signal to the people and opportunities that are meant for you — and only you.
We love the Gene Keys and incorporate them in our analysis and coaching. We think of the Gene Keys as an energetic overlay to the 64 gates of your Human Design blueprint.
The Gene Keys offer an energetic dial for you to self-diagnose where you're living in shadow so you can consciously elevate your frequency to call in higher quality experiences.
You can get your complimentary Gene Keys holographic profile here, which highlights select gates from your Human Design chart, organizing them into a series of specific energetic sequences on your Purpose, your Relationships, and your Prosperity, known as the Golden Path Sequence.
Our return policy varies depending on the nature of the product or service:
Digital products that are on-demand, e.g. downloadable paid reports or courses, are non-cancelable, non-returnable and non-refundable.
Merchandise, e.g. bandanas, totebags, posters, may be returned in their original condition within 30 days of initial purchase for a full refund.
We're big believers in going to to the source as much as possible for information on Human Design, and recommend the following resources as they are both part of Ra Uru Hu's legacy.
Jovian Archive provides valuable information and sells many of Ra's original lectures and recordings.
IHDS (International Human Design School) offers courses in Human Design and a path to becoming a certified Human Design professional.
If you want to learn Human Design in the spirit and language that was intended at its origin, these two sources are the most valuable.