Your Blueprint for Life™

A personalized analysis and one-on-one download and consultation of your unique Human Design + Gene Keys that gives you everything you need to live in alignment with your true self, enhancing your relationships, your prosperity, your happiness, and your flow.

Analysis prepared by Stacey Estrella, IHDS-Certified Living Your Design Guide, and delivered over Zoom in a live 2-hour video session.

(sample pages from Your Blueprint for Life™ personalized Human Design analysis and 2-hour activation call)

What you’ll get

  • Your Human Design Chart

    A detailed overview of your Human Design bodygraph and source data — the energetic blueprint for how you’re built.

  • Your Energy Profile

    Understanding your energy type (Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Reflector) and how to use it — how your aura feels to you vs. how it feels to others.

  • Your Conditioning

    A map of your conditioning that has you trapped in low-frequency, self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors, and how these hijack your mind when making decisions.

  • Your Decision-Making

    An explanation of your embodied decision-making authority, and exploration of past decisions and patterns to help you connect to your authority.

  • Your Life Force

    An overview of your unique gifts, potential, and energetic circuitry — how you’re uniquely designed to “plug-in” to others when expressing your talent.

  • Your Purpose + Profile

    Your life theme, energetics, and overall costume in life — the role you play in your own life and the role you are here to play in the lives of others.

  • Wayfinding Worksheet

    Customized worksheet based on your energy type to help you raise your awareness by tracking your “signature” feelings that correspond with your energy type.

  • Rx/Remedy

    Personalized recommendations for individual empowerment in living your unique design, based on a synthesized analysis of the five core elements of your reading.

  • Next Steps

    Open, supportive discussion of next steps you might take to establish or accelerate your practice and path to full embodiment of your unique Human Design and Gene Keys.

Book Your Blueprint for Life™ reading today

Our readings are designed to empower you in your relationships, work, and life through aligned decision-making.

We curate the most relevant details from your Human Design and Gene Keys to help you transform your life by making decisions in alignment with your true self.