Human Design Channel 43 → 23: The Disruptor (the Channel of Structuring)

In traditional Human Design terms, this is the Channel of STRUCTURING, a Design of INDIVIDUALITY (FROM GENIUS TO FREAK).
The Disruptor holds the potential to literally restructure systems and civilization to support the higher knowing and expression of every individual that makes up our collective humankind. Disruptors often see the new systems and structures that are needed or are struggling to emerge from old systems and structures that are in the way.
Timing is everything for those with this channel — if you express your ideas too soon, forcing others to see what you see or ridiculing them for being obtuse or not at your level, you will be seen as being out of touch with reality or an intellectual bully, and you will not be taken seriously.
Disruptors like George Lucas, Steve Wozniak, and Franklin Roosevelt opened the doors to futuristic mythology, information architecture and presentation, and systems of government to protect and benefit the people, aligning their contributions to the emotional and intellectual readiness of the culture, whereas Disruptors like Hillary Clinton and Buckminster Fuller were ahead of their time and never fully appreciated for what they knew and shared, when they knew it and shared it.
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