Human Design Channel 61 → 24: The Mystic (the Channel of Awareness)

In traditional Human Design terms, this is the Channel of AWARENESS, a Design of a THINKER.
This channel is steeped in the esoteric, connected to energies and systems and life forms beyond what can be seen or proven scientifically. It’s why we feel the design description of “thinker” is a bit of a misnomer. This channel is really about knowing what’s true and what isn’t, yet not necessarily being able to prove it.
If this is your only channel, you may feel unmoored at times because you cannot explain how you know what you know and you may begin to doubt yourself — especially if you have Gate 63 (Doubt) active, or an open ego which pressures the Not Self to prove yourself, or an open G which lends the Not Self to suppress characteristics that prevent you from fitting in or finding a sense of belonging.
This is a channel that is designed to express mysticism and it is one of your gifts. Your duty is to figure out how to integrate this quality and activate it alongside your other activations so that you can confidently share and express the knowing that is channeled to and through you for the benefit of humankind.
Do you have this channel or does someone close to you have this channel? Find out!