Human Design Channel 57 → 10: The Adaptor (the Channel of Perfected Form)

In traditional Human Design terms, this is the Channel of PERFECTED FORM, a Design of SURVIVAL.
You know how cats are always surveying the room? They always know where the exits are, they intuitively know the most comfortable places to lounge, and even though they look like they’re asleep, they are always on high alert in their environment — this is the energetic of THE ADAPTOR.
These are people who place a premium on their space being “just so.” They’re driven by a deep creativity that informs their choices about their environments, whether it’s their office or a table at a restaurant. They have a keen awareness of the vibe of people, things, situations, environments, trends — these are the ultimate “readers of rooms” who adjust their behavior, choices, and/or environments to be in a space that feels safe and supportive so they can fulfill their aspirations and dreams, making meaningful contributions to the world.
This is one of four channels that combine to create the complex channel of Integration, which is all about Self-Empowerment. It’s deeply instinctive and creative, connecting the Spleen to the G center of love, direction, and identity.
Do you have this channel or does someone close to you have this channel? Find out!