What it means to be “authentic.”

This episode offers listeners insights into the life purpose and background of host, Stacey Estrella, that led to the creation of "To be Authentic," the podcast and coaching platform that integrates Human Design, the Gene Keys, and The Work to help others achieve their highest potential through radical ownership and self-acceptance. To be Authentic teaches people how to let go of the person they're not, lean in to the person they are, and build a bridge to the life they want from the life they have.

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Fortune 500 and Personality Tests

Michelangelo's Vitruvian Man

Bronnie Ware, Top Five Regrets of the Dying

George Bernard Shaw quotation

Gene Keys with Richard Rudd

Order your Human Design chart + 50-page report (IHDS)

Free Gene Keys profile

Free Human Design Chart!

The Work of Byron Katie

Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

Stacey Estrella

Stacey is a strategist, writer, and practitioner of Human Design and the Gene Keys. She lives in the village of Saugerties, in the heart of New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley.


The Quantum Way — 7 steps to freedom.


Trailer: to be authentic