Making your life your art.

This week's guest is Tara Bach, a Hudson Valley artist who is both wise and mystical. She met her Human Design in 2021 after "being bitch-slapped" by the Universe. Listen to her story and all the stages of deep awakening as she learns to live and love her Human Design.

Tara has just two defined centers, the Head and Ajna, so trusting her Authority is a process of really settling in to find an inner stillness that "responds" to vocalizing her thought process as she makes important decisions.

Tara talks coping mechanisms for a Projector mom of three with a lot to do and the feelings of bitterness and resentment that sometimes creep in; why questions and conversations around Purpose are so triggering; and the mystical experience of her awakening as she found herself painting herself as a child, then following that image to the origins of humanity and how Human Design is a path to global healing and peace.


Tara Bach, Abstract Ethereal Artist based in Saugerties, NY (near Woodstock) Instagram


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Photo by Caleb Stokes on Unsplash

Stacey Estrella

Stacey is a strategist, writer, and practitioner of Human Design and the Gene Keys. She lives in the village of Saugerties, in the heart of New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley.

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