Living Your Human Design Means Making Decisions You’ll Never Regret

Are you haunted by the ghosts of decisions past? That's because you let your mind make your decision for you instead of the higher intelligence of your Authority.

This episode offers an example for how to deconstruct the memories that make you cringe so you can understand them through your Human Design Authority and unique design and move on.

Life is too short to keep these self-limiting, self-blaming, self-suffering loops playing — you have more important things to do and valuable contributions to make with your life.

Your Human Design Authority will never make you cringe, because it's a mechanic wired into your unique design that supports you in being your unique design. It bypasses the self-denying, self-sabotaging, self-exaggerating constructs of the ego mind, which protects you from the shame you're carting around from decisions you made that you knew somewhere deep inside were not in alignment with the true you.

Podcast mentions

To Be Magnetic – their neural manifestation tools to help identify and reprogram your shadow are insanely powerful. We've used them ourselves.

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Vickie Dickson – Content by Design course

Super powerful copywriting course to align your messaging with your unique Human Design. Excellent course for all professionals (not just Human Design professionals).

Click here to learn more.


Bodygraph Chart – a tool for Human Design practitioners

Create your own Human Design charts and lead magnets.

Click here to learn more.


Mastering Your Human Design™ links:

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Stacey Estrella

Stacey is a strategist, writer, and practitioner of Human Design and the Gene Keys. She lives in the village of Saugerties, in the heart of New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley.

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