Healing family estrangement.

This episode is for you if you're struggling (or know someone who's struggling) with family estrangement, especially with the upcoming holidays that can feel even more emotionally charged.

Family estrangement is a taboo topic that brings up a lot of blame and shame, and almost one out of two people in the U.S. have experience family estrangement at one point or another. 

But like most relationship squabbles, they begin with wanting the other to be someone they're not.

This is why Human Design is so powerful. When you have your individual operating manual and really get to know it and start honoring it, you start showing up differently and let go of your expectations of the other, which creates enormous peace in your life, instead of resistance.


Sloane Reali, Women's Empowerment Vocal Coach

Episode 3, Learning to Live, Love, and Serve as a 3/5 Ego-Projected Projector

Find Your Voice, Rock Your Confidence, with Vocal Coach Sloane Reali

Free download! 26 Ways to Access Your Voice Instantly 


Psychology Today | Why So Many Families Are Living with Estrangement

Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Science | Establishing a Prevalence Rate

Join 42,570,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.

If you want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint and specific opportunities to unlock your magnetism, Your Blueprint for Life™ reading is a wonderful place to start! Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me. 

Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.

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Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Stacey Estrella

Stacey is a strategist, writer, and practitioner of Human Design and the Gene Keys. She lives in the village of Saugerties, in the heart of New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley.


Seeing the “big picture” in failure.


How to navigate inner conflict using your blueprint.