5 benefits of living your Human Design.

The esoteric origins of Human Design can be super off-putting. I know. I have the Channel of Logic which includes the Gate of Doubt which is always searching for the anomaly — the thing that breaks the model or proves whether or not something is a scam or a sham.

My long personal journey of self-discovery has fueled my curiosity and experimentation with every self-awareness tool from the Enneagram to Meyers-Briggs, HBDI, and Clifton Strengths.

While each of these capture a particular facet of who you are from the ego-mind perspective (because the data is captured through self-assessment questions), Human Design bypasses the mind altogether and gives you the most comprehensive, systemic, and integrated view of the true you and a mechanism for "driving" your particular design.

This episode debunks some of the fear-talk of the mind: "it's a belief system," "it's a cult," "it will upend my life," and offers a glimpse at the practical application and benefits you'll experience in your life and relationships almost immediately.

In the same way that gravity is a mathematical law of the physical universe we "obey" when we decide not to walk off the roof of a building, your Human Design is the mathematical formula or "blueprint" that describes the gifts, energetics, decision-making apparatus, and wayfinding mechanics of you.

Aren't you the least bit curious to understand why you succeed effortlessly when you succeed — and why you don't when you don't? The answer is in your Human Design.


Energy Type statistics.

Gene Keys Golden Path (includes Genius, Love, and Prosperity sequences).

Join 42,000,000+ people who are already living their unique Human Design.

If you want to learn more about your unique energetic blueprint and specific opportunities to unlock your magnetism, my Superpowers + Kryptonite reading is a wonderful place to start! Click here to learn more and book your 90-minute reading with me. 

Also, we have a free download, our beautiful digital posted of The Quantum Way 7-step Process to Radical Ownership and Accountability.

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Photo by Ingo Doerrie on Unsplash

Stacey Estrella

Stacey is a strategist, writer, and practitioner of Human Design and the Gene Keys. She lives in the village of Saugerties, in the heart of New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley.


How to navigate inner conflict using your blueprint.


How to work your shadow using Gene Keys.