Breakthrough Session: “I feel like something’s missing.”

Jacinta joins us from Australia to break through the persistent nagging in the back of her mind that she should be doing "more" with her life, in spite of already having created a life filled with "all the things" — a great partner, a growing family, a beautiful home, and a successful career.

Jacinta is a 1/3 Sacral Generator with some persistent energies that keep her in deep inner conflict, as well as several open and undefined centers where she needs to become more aware and mindful about the conditioning messages that flow through and get amplified as she navigates the path of becoming her most authentic self.

Podcast mentions: The Gene Keys and The Work of Byron Katie


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Stacey Estrella

Stacey is a strategist, writer, and practitioner of Human Design and the Gene Keys. She lives in the village of Saugerties, in the heart of New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley.

Breakthrough Session: “I want more certainty for the path I’m on.”


Three ways to start living your Human Design.